Hello everyone. A new school year is just starting. Are you ready? We are here to help with your English lessons.
-Before starting a new Unit, read carefully, study and understand the Grammar Appendix at the end of your book. Make outlines and summaries. Try to understand the grammar references, the examples and write down on your notebook one more example of each reference.
- Read at home the text at the beginning of every Unit and look for the words you don’t understand into a dictionary.
- Make a list of the false friends that appear in every unit and the ones you already know
- Do the exercises on your workbook.
- Keep your notebook clean and tidy. Use 2 pens of different colours, one for the Spanish words and sentences and another one for the English ones.
- Organize your time of study daily, do not leave the exercises for the last day.
- Ask your teacher in class every time you need, when you don’t understand some explanation, words you can’t find, exercises you don’t know how to do, doubts…
- Take part in the oral exercises in class. Use the English language when you need to ask or say anything. Oral participation is very important.
- Give your opinions or suggestions every time you want.
- Learn English through reading, movies and songs.
Have a great school year. Good luck!